Buy books

We sell books a few different ways:

At Cowbell Kitchen in Leesburg

Browse our carefully curated collection of current and recent fiction, non-fiction, poetry, art, design and cookbooks whole enjoying coffee or a meal in one of Cowbell’s six indoor dining rooms or outside on their patio.

At our shop in Waterford

We carry a selection of art and design books, along with our smattering of local, handmade and found things for the home and garden.

Online at is an organization set up to help small independent bookstores survive in an age of e-commerce dominated by big companies like Amazon. They give over 80% of their profit margin to indie bookstores. By choosing The Corner Store as your bookstore on their site, the profit of the books you buy will go to us, and into a pool that is distributed to all of their affiliate indie bookshops every 6 months. You can also use the link above to go directly to our online shop and browse for any book you want, in any category. This is one of the best ways to support us! Remember us anytime you need to buy a book online.